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Key Rewards Pool
Key Rewards Pool Formulas
- $TRESR Rewards per day: Key Level * Treasure Tier You're Attempting to Open * 0.125
- $SMRTr cost to level up = 1850 * Key Level^2
- Hours before next Key Upgrade = 6 + Key Level
- Hours until treasure box must be maintained = (8 - Treasure Tier You're Attempting to Open) * 24
- Period Rewards = [$TRESR Rewards per day] * [8 - Treasure Tier You're Attempting to Open]
- Cost per Open Attempt = Period Rewards * 0.25
Hint: Treasure Boxes open more easily in each Treasure Tier based on your veTRESR balance and time staking $TRESR
Probability of Opening a Box
Personal Probability = veProbability x [0.9 - Base Probability] + Base Probability
Base Probability = 1 – (1.25 x Chest Level Attempting to Open/10)
veProbability = Days Continuously staked/208
*Note if you are trying to "Stay on chest Level 7, this will be the chest you are attempting to Open
Days Continuously Staked: 52 Attempting to Open Chest Level: 5
Show your work
Base Probability
Base Probability = 1 – (1.25 x 5/10)
= 0.375 (37.5%)
veProbability = 52/208
= 0.25 (or 25%)
Personal Probability = 25% x(0.9 – 37.5%) + 37.5%
= 50.625% (this may be rounded in some displays)
Updated 04 Mar 2024

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