Why GameFi?

Key Rewards Pool


The Key Rewards Pool is the primary gameplay rewards pool and can only be accessed by those holding a Treasure Key.

This pool is fed by the $TRESR minting contract until it’s not.

Treasure Boxes

*Will temporarily boost rewards when unlocked. You do not start earning $TRESR until you open your first Treasure Box

  • Provide a temporary boost in rewards rate
    • Each unlocked to reach a progressively higher rewards rate
    • Each rewards rate is on a countdown timer and will require the burning of $TRESR to maintain or increase rewards rate
      • The higher the rate, the more often maintenance is required (shorter count-down timer)
      • The higher the rate, the more $TRESR each unlock attempt will cost
  • Boost amount and longevity decided by level (1-7) [Tier 0 = no $TRESR being earned]
    • Higher level = higher reward
    • Higher level = shorter timer before having to unlock another treasure box
    • Higher level = more $TRESR cost to attempt unlock
  • All Treasure Tiers have a countdown timer
    • When a countdown timer reaches zero, that Key drops down one Treasure Tier
    • When a Key on Treasure Tier 1 hits zero on the countdown timer, that Key will cease earning $TRESR rewards until a Treasure Box is opened again and the timer is restarted

Look at this Emission Schedule chart...

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*Rewards are primarily based on your Key Level and Treasure Tier

The goal: Move down (upgrade Key Level) and right (increase Treasure Tier) to earn $TRESR; stake your $TRESR to earn veTRESR.

More veTRESR = more governance power, better rewards.

The longer you've staked, a success rate when unlocking Treasure Boxes for boosted rewards.

Your gameplay dashboard will always act as your guide.

You can find all of the metrics you need to make successful gameplay decisions there.

Gameplay Dashboard
Gameplay Dashboard

Gameplay Dashboard

Once you mint your Treasure Key, you must activate it in the game dashboard.

You can upgrade your Key Level by burning $SMRTR.

Founder's Pool Rewards based on Key Level * Treasure Tier
Founder's Pool Rewards based on Key Level * Treasure Tier

You burn $SMRTR to Upgrade your Founder's Key Level
You burn $SMRTR to Upgrade your Founder's Key Level

You must open your first Treasure Box to begin earning $TRESR from the Key Rewards Pool.

This will require you to acquire at least 1 $TRESR token (which can be earned for free from our Zealy campaign missions)

You will burn $TRESR to make an attempt at opening a Treasure Box.

Key Rewards Pool rewards are paid out on a “per key” basis.

A wallet can hold an unlimited number of Treasure Keys and there are incentives for holding multiple Keys.

Each key earns $TRESR rewards, assuming proper gameplay.

Key Rewards Pool
Key Rewards Pool

Key Rewards Pool

259,241,313 $TRESR are allocated to the Key Rewards Pool.

180,000 of these were set aside for Diamond Hand Keys to claim at the start of the game.

Whenever this supply cap is reached, Key Rewards Pool emissions will stop.

However, the game will continue via the Bonus Rewards pool.

There is no time limit on how long the Treasure Box game will last. It will take as long as it takes.

We expect the Key Rewards Pool to last 12-48 months, depending on gameplay.

Each Treasure Key holder will activate their Key and attempt to open Treasure Boxes.

Treasure Boxes have seven Treasure Tiers. Each successful opening moves you up one Treasure Tier.

One player's actions do not impact any other player's outcome when opening Treasure Boxes.

The success or failure of each Treasure Box open attempt will depend on the effectiveness of each Treasure Key (Key Level, Treasure Tier, base & veProbability).

This effectiveness is determined by a base probability and by your veProbability (see below).

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(click image to enlarge)
(click image to enlarge)

Your total probability is your base probability plus a function veProbability up to a maximum of 90% (for chests 1-7)

At every Key Level, there are treasure boxes that are designed to be rewarding for the player.

Some players may choose to take more risk by opening higher boxes before their probability suggests they should. Don't succumb to your inner degen. Rise above it.

Keep eyes on your veTRESR balance. As your veProbability level rises, it becomes easier and more rewarding to open Treasure Boxes.

Treasure Boxes only payout $TRESR tokens.

In the future, things like additional tokens, NFTs, community chest cards, and more may be hidden inside Treasure Boxes at higher Treasure Tier levels. We will publicize these events when they occur.

Your base probability cannot be changed but your veProbability grows when you single-side stake $TRESR for veTRESR.

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Players can earn more $TRESR rewards at higher Treasure Tiers and with higher Key Levels.

Each Treasure Tier has a countdown timer. You must open another Treasure Box successfully before this timer hits zero. If the countdown hits zero before you successfully open a Treasure Box, you will fall back one Treasure Tier.

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If you fall all the way back down to a zero count below Treasure Tier 1, that Key will stop earning $TRESR. You must open a Treasure Box to begin earning $TRESR again from the Key Rewards Pool.

There is a specific allocation of $TRESR dedicated to the Key Rewards Pool. This means the Key Rewards pool has its own supply cap. Gameplay will continue until gross emissions reach that level (see token allocation chart below).

You earn $TRESR from the Key Rewards Pool based on three factors:

  1. Key Level
  2. Treasure Tier
  3. veTRESR stake time via veProbability and Personal Probability of opening a Treasure Box

The Key Rewards Pool distributes $TRESR rewards on a per-key basis, meaning each key you hold in your wallet will have its own rewards calculation.

When you burn $SMRTR via the gameplay dashboard, you’re able to increase your Key Level.

Upgrading Your Key Level

  • Cost: 1,850 SMRTR * Current Key Level ^ Squared
  • Time Delay Before Next Upgrade: Current Key Level + 6 Hours
    • i.e. after level up to Level 8, it takes 14 hours until you can move to Level 9
    • The first three Key Levels are 1hr, 2hrs, & 3hrs, respectively
Each Key Level upgrade requires you burn progressively more $SMRTR with a waiting period between upgrade levels
Each Key Level upgrade requires you burn progressively more $SMRTR with a waiting period between upgrade levels

Each Key Level has its own artwork to designate what level you’re at in the game.

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There is a time delay countdown in between each Key Level upgrade. This extends the gameplay for a longer period of time. It creates an incentive to log into the platform regularly.

Upgrading a Key is permanent. Your Key Level is indicated and transferred when a Treasure Key is sold.

Treasure Boxes

Opening Treasure Boxes is how you earn $TRESR in the Key Rewards Pool.

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You burn $TRESR to open Treasure Boxes

To open a Treasure Box you must burn $TRESR.

Based on the above probability formulas, your Treasure Box may or may not open.

Treasure Boxes have a probability of opening (remember: math game) that is based on each wallet’s veTRESR ratio and balance (see above). You’ll want to consider the expected cost to open vs. the expected rewards for each level.

Single-sided staking of $TRESR earns veTRESR at a rate of 0.02 veTRESR per hour, per $TRESR staked.

There are 7 Treasure Tiers available to Treasure Keys, each with an associated countdown timer.

Each ascending Treasure Tier has a different $TRESR reward associated with it.

In addition to ascending rewards, Treasure Boxes also have ascending burn rates (or cost to open).

We can all use the NFTreasure Discord server to discuss gameplay strategy and brainstorm ideas.

Remember, the Treasure Box game is designed to get you to start thinking like a successful crypto project lead.

While you can have a certain level of success by guessing or randomly opening Treasure Boxes, those rewards will be weighted in luck.

Luck is not the best way to be successful in crypto.

By learning the underlying math, you’ll start to think like a crypto project lead. You will ultimately, recognize when it is or is not the most optimal time to open a Treasure Box.

(and if math is hard for you, we've got a very welcoming community to help you out)

To add an additional layer of complexity (fun), some Treasure Boxes may not be profitable to open at certain points in the game.

This is because you must burn $TRESR to attempt to open a Treasure Box.

If the amount of $TRESR you expect to burn to open a box is more than the amount of $TRESR you earn, it will not be profitable to open the Treasure Box.

Read this again ==> It may not always be profitable to open a Treasure Box.

That’s part of the game.

This is why your veProbability is important. It determines the probability rate of successfully opening a Treasure Box.

The longer you have TRESR staked, the more likely it is that you will consistently open Treasure Boxes successfully on the first try.

Treasure Box rewards are based on your Key Level, Treasure Tier, and veProbability.

When you successfully open a Treasure Box the rate at which you receive $TRESR increases.

Hint: Some Treasure Boxes, at later stages of the game, will have NFTs, additional $TRESR rewards, or any number of other prizes hidden within them. When these mystery prizes are available, we will publicize this window of time. These prizes could turn an otherwise unprofitable Treasure Box attempt into a profitable one.