Why GameFi?
Decentralized finance games (GameFi) are bootstrapping mechanisms, plain and simple.
They are a way for projects to quickly raise awareness and create community engagement. They help grow token liquidity and reward active participants. GameFi incentivizes behavior that is beneficial to the protocol.
Issuing GameFi rewards is a way to attract early-adopters and incentivize them to share the protocol with their friends. They’re a type of marketing that encourages network effects.
They can also go wildly wrong, as we’ve seen in the past when the tokenomics are not designed for proper supply/demand equilibrium and long-term growth.
Our Treasure Box game is designed to fairly distribute $TRESR tokens and reward our community. It does this in a way that is decentralized and gives the greatest benefit to long-term thinkers.
Yes, someone could sell all of their $TRESR at any time.
That might even make someone a tiny bit of profit, temporarily.
But the tokenomics of the Treasure Box DeFi loop and e-commerce commissions have been designed to incentivize those who think long-term and make meaningful creative contributions to the platform by creating interesting products & designs, while becoming engaged brand advocates.
TRESR's DeFi rewards are a marketing expense to create brand loyalty.
The thesis being: A well-incentivized community is more likely to share the TRESR brand and services with other projects they are involved with.
Treasure Key holders must take into account the pros and cons of the protocol, other players in the game, and their own personal financial goals. Personal responsibility is key, as TRESR makes no claims of profits or valuation of rewards.
The TRESR community, which has founded this project in a decentralized manner, does not make ANY claims about profit potential. This is a membership-based Defi & NFT education project experimenting with interesting mechanisms for bridging digital and physical experiences.
The TRESR Box game is designed to teach people how to navigate common DeFi functions while encouraging users to better understand the economics of Defi game systems.
GameFi loops or DeFi systems can be seen as math games and are crucial to understanding how to be successful in crypto. By utilizing an on-chain puzzle, each Treasure Key holder must assess and engage with the following categories of gameplay:
- Circulating supply
- Fully-diluted circulating supply
- Liquidity pool tokens
- Liquidity pool size relational to your tokens
- Single-Sided Staking Reward Rate (veTRESR)
- $TRESR Reward Ratios
- Basic probabilistic decision-making
It's an e-commerce rewards system on steroids.
Each user can decide how much or little they wish to engage with each part of the TRESR ecosystem but the primary purpose of our GameFi system is to help advanced and newcomers, alike, better understand how to navigate decentralized finance in a satisfying way. If any of this feels confusing, at first, just know that we have a very friendly community in Discord and many recorded and scheduled opportunities for asking questions to deepen your understanding of the ecosystem.
Many in our community have learned through hard knocks the right way to navigate crypto and decentralized finance, and are eager to share their knowledge with you.